Baked With Love 2 Read online

Page 4

  “Yep,” Ramsey said. “It was Gemma’s idea.”

  Gianna glared at her smiling sister, watching as Gemma blew her a kiss. She caught the air kiss and pitched it back at her.

  As the doorbell sounded again, Ramsey headed there. Gianna brushed past him while saying, “You don’t know if it’s the delivery guy so move out the way.”

  He laughed. “Slow down, sweetness.”

  “No. This is my house. I’ll get the door in my own house.”

  “Are you expecting company?”


  “Then, it’s probably the pizza.”

  “You don’t know that.” Gianna snatched the door open to see the pizza delivery guy standing there with one box.

  Ramsey’s grin widened. He took his wallet from the back pocket of his slacks, then handed the driver a twenty dollar bill. “Keep the change, man.”

  “Thanks,” the delivery man said. “You all have a good evening.”

  “You do the same,” Ramsey told him while Gianna stomped back to the kitchen.

  Moments later, he set the pizza on the table. “Where are your plates?”

  Leaned against the counter, Gianna crossed her arms. “You don’t know by now? I figured since you’re trying to play man-of-the-house, you’d already know where everything was.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you always this grouchy when you wake up from a nap?”

  Gemma snickered, then covered her mouth trying to disguise laughter.

  “I’m not grouchy.”

  “She’s really not,” Gemma said, lying through her teeth. It took Gianna a minute to get her bearings after a nap more so than other people. “She’s just not used to having a man in the house. Or in her life. Like, ever.” Gemma laughed.

  Searching the cabinets for plates, Ramsey chuckled. “Good one, Gemma,” he said, then winked at her. “Aha…see I didn’t need your help after all, sweetness. Found them.”

  “Stop calling me sweetness.”

  “Stop being sweet and I will,” he said, placing three plates on the table.

  “How can I be grouchy and sweet at the same time?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  Still leaning against the counter, Gianna rolled her eyes. Okay, so she was grouchy when she woke up from a nap. She wasn’t one of those Skip to My Lou morning people. But she also wasn’t accustomed to a man crowding her space and being all up in her way. She didn’t care how fine he was. How kind he was. How charming, well-built, handsome and any other word you would think of to describe a man as fine as Ramsey St. Claire. She just wasn’t in the mood for this, especially not after the day she had.

  “Gemma, do you want to try a small slice?” Ramsey asked her.

  “No. I better not. I’ll end up with heartburn. Plus, the doctor said I should be eating healthy nutritious food and it ain’t nothing healthy about all that grease and cheese.”

  “Right,” Ramsey said. “Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t indulge either, but…” Desperate times calls for desperate measures. “Gianna, how many slices would you like?”

  “I’ll get it myself,” she grumbled.

  “No, please have a seat.”

  “Ramsey, I said I got it,” Gianna reiterated.

  “No, I got it. Have a seat. You’ve had a long day. Let me serve you. Please.”

  She sighed heavily but finally sat down as he had requested. She didn’t want to, but she did. And she deserved to. She was tired. Exhausted. A full week of sleep wouldn’t be enough rest to cure her tiredness from going nonstop, working hard for her sister – going to appointments and putting in time at the bakery. It wasn’t for herself. It was all for Gemma. Now that she finally had a break – finally had someone to take some of the weight off of her shoulders – she didn’t know what to do with herself. She was the one who was supposed to be preparing dinner right now, warming Gemma’s soup, serving her a glass of cold water before preparing her own meal. Right now, she was just sitting at the table, doing nothing but staring at a brown pizza box. She wasn’t accustomed to somebody else stepping in and taking over. Serving her.

  When Ramsey set a plate in front of her, she blinked out of her thoughts and caught a whiff of his cologne. Why did he always smell so good? Did all men smell this good? Did—?

  “You don’t know?” Ramsey asked, looking at Gianna as he stood in front of the refrigerator with the door wide open. She was frowning, and he didn’t know why his question warranted a frown.

  Why is he looking at me? Is he talking to me? “Don’t know what?” she asked.

  “I asked you what you wanted to drink. Coke, Fruit Punch, tea…um, what else do you have in here?” he said, scanning the contents of the refrigerator.

  “Coke is fine.”

  “Little ice or a lot of ice?” he asked.

  I could get it myself for all this… Her jaw twitched.

  “Sorry. I don’t know you well enough to know how you like your drinks yet.”

  Yet? “Just make it the way you would prepare yours.”

  “Okay. One Coke with a lot of ice, coming right up.”

  Gianna shook her head. She glanced at Gemma, watching her smile.

  “Isn’t this nice of him to do this for you, Gianna,” Gemma whispered. “Enjoy.”

  Enjoy? Yeah. Right. She didn’t know how it felt to enjoy anything. Well, she used to enjoy baking and designing cupcakes until her passion for it turned into a chore. Until it became something she had to do to make ends meet and lately, ends hadn’t been meeting at all. How could she be passionate about something when she had to worry about paying bills, or wonder when the repo man was going to show up to take her car? And there was no doubt about it – she didn’t know when or where, but repo dude was going to show up. She hadn’t paid a car note in three months.

  “Here you are,” he said, placing a glass on the table and sitting next to her. He looked at her, eyes following the curve of her jaw on down to her lips. “Is everything to your liking?”

  She could see him staring at her via her peripherals. “Yes. It’s fine. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Ramsey picked up a slice of pizza and nearly took half of it into his mouth. “Mmm…I haven’t had pizza in a while.”

  “We just had Stromboli last night,” Gianna said.

  “Stromboli isn’t pizza,” he mumbled.

  “It sure tasted like pizza.”

  He stopped chewing and looked over at her, just staring with a chunk of pizza stuffed in his jaw. Maybe she was cranky and grumpy when she woke up from naps. Okay, he’d have to get used to that since he was the complete opposite. Nothing you can’t handle, Ramsey. You’ve closed million-dollar deals. Putting up with a little attitude should be a breeze. Besides, she’s not like this all the time.

  Turning his attention away from her, he resumed eating, then washed down the first slice of pizza with a gulp of Coke. “This is probably not the right time to bring this up, but I think it would be a good thing to hire a nurse for Gemma. That way, you can work without worries, knowing that Gemma will be well taken care of.”

  Gianna’s insides churned with irritation. “What part of we can’t afford this don’t you understand?”

  “What part of me telling you that you can use me however you like, don’t you understand?”

  Gemma’s eyebrows went up as she looked up at her sister. Gianna hadn’t touched her pizza. She was just sitting there, and Gemma could see how uncomfortable she was, and she knew why. Ramsey was staring at Gianna. Hard. They were already sitting close, but he was making it more uncomfortable with his direct, heated gaze that wouldn’t let up.

  Gianna pulled in a breath – one that she hoped would give her a speck of courage – and turned to look at him. Her eyes met his attentive, concerning ones briefly, before rolling down the bridge of his nose. To his mustache. His lips.

  Lawd have mercy…

  “Um…” she cleared her throat after looking away from him, staring down at her plate – at t
he untouched slice of pizza on her plate to be more specific. “I heard you when you said I could…could, um…use you, whatever that means, but—”

  “I already hired a nurse, Gianna,” Ramsey interrupted to say. “She wants to come by tomorrow after you get off work to meet Gemma.”

  Her breath hitched. “Wait…you got somebody coming to my house without discussing it with me, first?”

  “That’s what I’m doing now,” he said, watching her brow raise. “I’m discussing it with you.”

  “But it’s after the fact. You’ve already done it, now you want to discuss it? And let’s not forget that I did not ask for your help.”

  “You didn’t have to ask. I know you needed it, so I stepped in to assist.”

  “And what are you getting out of this, Ramsey?”

  He looked at her. Smirked. “The nurse’s name is Harriet. She’ll be here tomorrow around seven-thirty.”

  “Sounds cool to me,” Gemma said. “Think about how much this will free you up, Gianna.”

  Gianna felt her stomach churn. She was too queasy to snap the way she wanted to. So she said the first thing that popped into her head. “Get out, please.”

  “You want me to leave?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want you to leave.”

  Gemma frowned. “Gianna, what are you—?”

  “It’s alright, Gemma,” Ramsey told her. He took a napkin from the table and wiped his mouth before he stood up. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, ladies.”

  He continued on to his Range, sat there and wrapped his fingers around the steering wheel, squeezing. Gianna was proving to be stubborn – something he hadn’t expected. Any other woman would be showering him with praise of thanks, but not Gianna Jacobsen. He couldn’t say he was surprised. Gianna wasn’t like other women, he knew, and thus, he had major ground to cover before Friday – before Felicity presented her with his proposal. Currently, he was off to a bad start.

  * * *

  “I think you were too hard on him, Gianna,” Gemma said. “He’s only trying to help us.”

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t ask him for any help, did I?”

  “You didn’t, which should make his display of kindness even more meaningful. Out of the kindness of his heart, he’s trying to help you—help us—and you’re pushing him away like we don’t need the help. Why are you being so stubborn, Gianna?”

  “Because people don’t just go around helping folk for free and out of the kindness of their hearts anymore.”

  “Yeah, they do.”

  “No, they don’t, Gem. If somebody does something nice for you, especially unsolicited—supposedly out of the kindness of their heart—they want something in return and you can take that to the bank. That’s how the cookie crumbles, lil’ girl.”

  Lil’ girl… Gemma shook her head.

  “Besides, I’ve been taking care of you for my entire life, Gemma Marie Jacobsen, and I never had any help. Why do I need it now?”

  “Gianna…” Gemma’s eyes swam with tears. “I know it’s been hard, okay. I know you don’t want me to know how difficult it’s been for you, but I know it’s been hard.” With her voice trembling to pieces, she continued, “You don’t complain because you don’t want me to know how bad things are and it’s because of me. It’s all my fault because of my diagnosis. I’m a burden to—”

  “No you’re not,” Gianna interjected, trying to embrace her sister but Gemma nudged her away.

  “I am. I know I am and I’m sorry for pu…” Gemma sobbed but got herself together enough to say, “I’m sorry for putting you through this. I truly am. I wish I could step in like Ramsey and help you out, but I can’t.” Her lips trembled. “I don’t have the means to. I can’t even stay awake for and extended period, so what am I supposed to do to help you? Huh?”

  “I don’t expect you to help me, Gemma.”

  “I know you don’t. What I’m saying is, if I could, I would. Since I can’t, why not let someone who has the heart and the means help you instead of being so hard on the man? He genuinely wants to help us. Let him.” Gemma brushed tears away from her eyes. “I’m going to lay down now. Goodnight, Gianna.”

  “Wait,” Gianna said before Gemma walked away. She embraced her sister, feeling her body tremble as she cried in her arms. “I love you, Gemma.”

  “I love you, too, Gianna.”

  “We’ll be okay,” she said. “Everything will be okay, sweet girl.”

  “Okay,” Gemma said softly.

  Chapter 4

  What a day...

  Gianna returned home exhausted. Her neck was stiff. Her lower back aching. Her feet were crying, begging for mercy and overall, she just felt like a glob of tiredness. She was more tired than normal since she had the day off yesterday. Well, she still worked somewhat, having to take Gemma to the doctor and all, but she didn’t have to be on her feet like she had to be at the bakery. And, the bakery had been a lot busier than normal – good for her empty wallet – bad for her poor feet. That’s why, as soon as she arrived home, she prepared a pot of vegetable beef stew and placed it on the stove. While that cooked, she relaxed in a hot shower for ten minutes and afterward, massaged her feet before dressing in a pair of light gray cotton shorts with the matching tank top, then sliding her feet into a pair of fuzzy socks. She let her hair hang loose, massaged her scalp where the ponytail holder was and shook her hair free, releasing tension everywhere she could in her body.

  Back downstairs, she checked the pot, stirring the boiling stew – the aroma of peas, onions, carrot, celery, corn, beef and broth filling the house. Now that she was situated and somewhat relaxed, she walked to Gemma’s bedroom, opened the door and saw her lying there with her eyes opened. The lamp on her nightstand was turned on.

  “Hey,” Gemma said, rubbing her eyes.

  “Hey, Gem.”

  Gemma yawned and stretched her arms up high. “When did you get in?”

  “The usual time. I’m making a stew.”

  “I know. That glorious scent is what woke me up.”

  Gianna smiled. “Good. Come on to the kitchen. I’ll give you some as soon as it gets done.”

  Gemma stretched again and stood up, following Gianna to the kitchen. “How was the bakery?” she asked, her question hidden in a yawn.

  “Super busy.” Gianna walked over to the pantry to grab a loaf of honey-wheat bread. “I was baking cupcakes left and right. It was definitely a profitable day.”

  “Cool. That’s great. I wish...” Gemma’s thoughts were interrupted by a long cough.

  Gianna turned around to look at her, then came to her aid, pulling out a chair at the table for her to sit down and then quickly getting a glass of water. “Here. Drink,” she said, holding the glass to her mouth.

  Gemma took a sip, then cleared her throat.

  “That cough seems to be getting worse since yesterday. I’m taking you back to the doctor tomorrow.”

  “No. I’m fine. Let me just sit here for a moment and sip on this water. My throat’s kinda dry. That’s all.”

  When the doorbell rang, Gianna frowned. She wasn’t expecting anyone. She walked to the door and peered through the peephole. She saw a woman who looked middle-aged, a little on the thick side with curly black hair. She didn’t recognize the lady. What was she doing? Selling something? Before she opened the door, Gianna asked, “Who is it?”

  “It’s Harriet. Are you Gianna?” the woman called out.

  Harriet? The nurse Harriet? The woman Ramsey hired to watch after Gemma without her permission? Gianna opened the door to greet Harriet. “Hi. Yes, I’m Gianna. Come in.”

  When Harriet stepped inside, Gianna said, “Um...did Ramsey not call you to cancel this?”

  “Cancel?” Harriet asked, a look of confusion touching her features. “No. I just got off the phone with him. He told me he was ten minutes away, and that was five minutes ago.”

  “Ten minutes away? From here?”

  “Yes. He’s meeting me since I don’t know you. Th
is is the right place, isn’t it? Are you the woman with the sister named Gemma?”

  “Yes but—”

  The doorbell rang.

  Gianna inhaled a breath and went back to the door again. When she opened it, Ramsey was standing there with a smile on his face. A twinkle in his eyes.

  After she kicked him out yesterday, he could still stand there and smile at her? And that cute dimple of his was on full display. His chocolate, late evening skin looked as delicious as a Godiva truffle. And he smelled so doggone good… Ahhhh. She licked her lips in appreciation.

  “Hi, Gianna,” he said.

  “Hey, Ramsey. Um…listen...about yesterday—”

  “Don’t worry about yesterday. Yesterday’s history.”

  “No, it’s not. Well, it is but I…” Gianna stepped outside, pulling the door closed behind her to give them some privacy. “I need to say this. I’m sorry about what I said to you yesterday and how I was behaving. I was tired and upset. It’s no excuse and I realize you were trying to help me and I was being rude to you. I don’t want you to think that I’m ungrateful because I appreciate everything. I do. I just don’t feel comfortable letting people help me with stuff and I don’t like taking money from you.”

  “I didn’t give you any money.”

  “No, but you leave me excessive tips whenever you’re in the bakery, paid Gemma’s copay for the doctor visit yesterday, you bought my groceries, you ordered dinner for me several times and now you’re hiring this nurse. It’s just like giving me money, isn’t it?”

  He smiled and took her hands into his, feeling the undercurrent of her nerves flow through her soft fingers.

  Gianna was too nervous to look at him, so she looked down, where their hands met.

  “Gianna, just say thank you,” he said wanting to stroke her hair and nudge her chin up so she would lock eyes with him. He fought the urge to.


  “Just say, thank you.”

  An endearing smile appeared on her face. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, let’s go inside so I can introduce you to Harriet.” Ramsey reached for the door and pulled it open.